My First Name:
My Middle Name: Lorene after my Mom's twin sister!
Favorite Food:
My Grandmas Name: Louise
A Dog I Grew Up With: Puffy the Mut, that we tortured like CRAZY!
My Age: (side note, I don't think i have ever seen this show)
My Favorite Place: Hawaii
Bad Habit: Not eating enough vegetables and eating to much other crap.
My First Job: The Hair Cuttery I was 14 I was the receptionist but basically ran that shop and the little old ladys still talk about me to this day.
Place I want to go: Switzerland
Alright so I pass this along to who ever is bored because it took a long time!
Hi Tiffany, how are you? Hey my photography prices are on my blog at
and my husband totally thinks you look familiar too but doesn't know where he knows you from. We've never lived on the East Coast. Are you from Utah at all?
Ah, I totally remember your dog puffy. uhallI want to try this:) I seriously can't believe how cute your little boy is. ADORABLE!!!!
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